Friday, December 08, 2006

December 2006 Update

We're Back !

Project Date: November 17 - 29

God has done so much!
Thank Him for His surpassing Goodness!

We visited the worksite Sat, Nov 18. We had a time of worship & prayer with some people of the congregation asking God's blessing on the church and the construction of the building.

Laying blocké !

We all learned how to mix concrete and mortar (mescla) by hand, lay blocké, and play hockey on dirt streets with the local niños (children).

Speaking Spanish Each of the Team Members made huge strides in their ability to communicate in broken English/Spanish!

Learning Spanish, Or was it English?

The Youth (Muchachos)
And Children (Niños)

Always willing to help!

encouraged by
what God is doing in the lives of His Servants

Pastor Elvis,

Pastor of the Church
we were building

Our translator,

Co-leader of
Sports Camp Ministry

Praise for . . .
God's amazing provision!

We were able to leave sufficient funds for
workers to finish the project

We were able to finish the bulk of the work
on the walls of the church and the washrooms

Despite the delay in the delivery of blocks
for the walls, we were able to spend quality
time with the kids/youth and were able to
learn from each other

For all the men - some of the members of
the Team were able to pray with and share

testimonies with several men in the Barrio

For those who gave their lives to Christ

The incredible faith and work of Pastor Elvis,
the pastor of the church we were building

The faith and dedicated work of the
construction foreman, Mauricio

Continue to Pray for . . .

The Youth of Nicaragua (Muchachos)
Many don't continue in their faith
past age 14 as the lure toward drugs,

alcohol, and gang activity is so strong!

Pastor Pete from Kortright Church
with some of the youth
as we say our farewell.

Update on the Building Site
and Church since our departure:

Mauricio (construction site foreman) has had 4 local guys from the Barrio (community)working on digging the trench from the outside wall across the road to the sewer. By Friday (Dec. 1) the
trench was completed, pipe laid & connected and the entire back fill completed.

The upperwall construction from the last horizontal rebar pour to just under the roof metal was filled in on all 3 sides with the first stage of installation of the Kovetek panels (as opposed to
concrete blocks). The Kovetek panels consist of solid Styrofoam slabs affixedwith a metal wiremeshorgrid attached tothe metal upright&lateral posts supports. All this is in place & waiting for a layering of cement on both sides of the mesh/slab panels to give it that finished, sealed in look. The Plycem sheets had been ordered for the bathroom construction. The cement layering job phase will probably be done at the same time as the "parging" of the concrete blockwalls, inside and out, followed by the gravel filling, tamping, and concrete pouring of the floor itself. This week and next week's work (Dec 1 - 8) should see the completion of the project including the electric lines and installation of fixtures.

At the regular Wednesday night Worship Service at Pastor Elvis' church on the night of our departure there was a good turn out of 10 adults at the service which only regularly has only 2 adults in attendance. In addition many more kids attended that hadn't previously been a part. "Marvin" was there attired in his very best clothes carrying his new "Bible" and all "fired-up" by his declaration for Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour as led and witnessed the previous day by Pastor Jim Klaas!!! Pastor Elvis was beaming as he welcomed all the people to the service, and
was thoroughly enthused, encouraged, and joyful. There has been a large degree of new hope and confidence lifting his spirit as he goes forward in leading this congregation.

Praise God for the obedience and faithfulness of His servants, the Men from KPC and their sending supporters from the KPC congregation, families and friends.

Thank you all!

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